
Artikel med DCTT-bilder

Älskar, älskar, älskar...
Ännu en intervju med Mark, 2008
I min jakt på bilder på ramlar jag emellanåt över intervjuer. Här är ännu en.
(Thank you, Lory/Melissa)
Intervju med Mark 2007
"What has been the most difficult time in your career?
Probably the end of SNL because the show really didn't work for me; I was a new Dad. I'd come from Kids, where basically if I wrote a piece I really believed in, it would get done. I didn't really have that luxury at SNL, so it wasn't a good fit. I wasn't really sure what I was about when that ended. Interestingly, the way I found my way back was doing off-Broadway theater in New York. And it reminded me: oh yeah, this is the sort of thing I do. But there was a year or two there where I felt like I'd screwed up."
Han var även gästdomare under Toronto Urban Film Festival
"We used to look like European models!"

Gammal intervju med Kevin på
KM: One time during the writing process for the TV show, Scott got mad at something. This was in the writer's room, so we were all in there. Scott took a banana and threw it across the room. Only it hit the electric fan and it went back on him in little bits and pieces. He was covered in banana. He had been in a bad mood all day, and he turned around to us and yelled, "No one laugh! No one laugh!" We all had to run out of the room so we could laugh outside."
Någon av Kidsen sa någongång att truppen förenas kring glädjen i att retas med Scott... Hela intervjun läser ni här.
Kevin berättar om gamla och nya filmer

Mark om Less Than Kind
Bruce intervjuas av UGO

Intervju med Dave Foley och Bobby Fargo

Transkriberad intervju med Bruce och Mark
"Jon: And then you enjoy it. You always seemed like a nice guy, that was, that was the thing I noticed about on the Kids in the Hall, is, uh, there was always obviously a conflict, and a lot of those guys are, as you know, uh, pricks, but um, you...
Bruce: No, they're nice guys. They wear girdles, but they're nice guys."
Intervju med hela truppen 2008
"Where do they fall?
McCulloch: Mark has a wild point of view. Scott wants to know what his performance part could be to make it longer. Dave is skeptical until it really works. Kevin…he just laughs.
Mark McKinney: A couple function as comedy consciences—Kevin is one of those, so is Scott—who get lit up if there’s an internal truism to a sketch that needs to be respected. Dave is sharp with lines, jokes, dialogue. Bruce is good at almost everything, and he’s a work pig. I can be loopy, which is surprising because I come across as straight.… That sounded horrible. “McKinney describes himself as ‘loopy.’ ‘Boyish’ was also included in his rambling positive assessment of himself.”
McDonald: Individual talents get things started, but it’s the one big brain from Kids in the Hall that improves things.
Define that sixth element.
McKinney: Hmm. [Pause] Synerjule.
Thompson: It’s a dry orgasm—you can look each other in the face after.
McCulloch: We have a saying in the group: We’re all really smart guys but the troupe is one dumb guy.
How’s the material different now?
Thompson: The show is quite filthy. We’ve always been pretty raunchy, but I was amazed by how sexually obsessed we still are.
Foley: The change is we used to look too young to play businessmen, and now we’re quite believable in those characters."

Daves effekt på män som kvinna
Hittade av en slump (...) en hittills, av mig, oläst intervju med Dave Foley. Han blir tillfrågad om -ja, ni känner ju redan till ämnet crossdressing och Kids in the Hall- och intervjuaren får tillbaka ett så himla gulligt svar (aaawwww, Kevin!).
"DRE: I know you made a gag out of it on Newsradio but was it ever disturbing to you how pretty you looked in those dresses?
Dave: No, I enjoyed it. It was nice to feel sexy for the first time in my life. I know Kevin found it disturbing how attractive he found me and so did some of the crew guys. Some of the crew guys would develop crushes on certain characters and would ask if they’d be showing up soon."
(Bilden kommer härifrån)
Death Comes to Town

Dave Foley intervjuas av UGO
DAVE: No, I don't think I was ever nervous. It took us a while to get the look down, the way we wanted. Our goal was to make the fact that we were dressed up as women completely inconsequential to the scene, that you would think of the characters as really being women. That was the main thing. We were never uncomfortable with dressing up as women. We were only worried about doing it right, about playing the characters right."
Dave Foley ang. att de spelade kvinnorollerna själva. Han nämner att det tog ett tag att få till utseendet på kvinnorna. Det stämmer. De kvinnor de spelade under första säsongen ser mest ut som utklädda män...
"UGO: After Kids in the Hall, you landed NewsRadio and Paul Simms actually wrote the part of Dave Nelson specifically for you after he saw the Chicken Lady skit. He said he offered you the part because he loved your straight acting.
DAVE: Well, NewsRadio was definitely that. What Paul noticed in the Chicken Lady sketch was that Mark was dressed as a chicken, and that I had all the straight lines, but that I was able to get laughs with the straight lines, which in a sitcom, is really what you sort of need at the center of the show./.../"
Hela intervjun hittar ni här.

Mark McKinney om rollfördelningen
Sagt av Mark McKinney apropå nya serien.