Buddys bok

Buddy Cole har givetvis skrivit en bok (varför inte?) - en självbiografi. Så här skriver en av mina amerikanska KITH-vänner om boken:
"/.../It's pretty raunchy in most places, pretty graphic, but again, that's how scott is, and i love him for being who he is and not caring what others think. it's HILARIOUIS, and a very good story/book. i highly suggest ANY KITH/scott fan to read it. anyway, it's partly about his family on his farm growing up, it starts off with him being born on a cold morning (and how he put it made me giggle beyond belief lol) and the book is really basically the life of charles budderick buddy cole/.../" (By Lory Bohannon)
På amazon.com hittar du Buddy Babylon: The Autobiography of Buddy Cole.
Här kan du låna den i Sverige!


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