...Om Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet, vilka spelade Kidsens tema Having an Average Weekend, och hur låten lyckades bli just ett tema. Texten kommer från
- "Having an Average Weekend" is the "theme song" for The Kids in the Hall show. The song is on their first album. /.../
- Shadowy Men used to play before the KITH began their show. Shadowy Men often ended their set with "Having an Average Weekend." As time went on, the sound of "Having an Average Weekend" signaled to the crowd that the KITH were about to begin. The two begin linked.
- Bruce, Brian, and Reid knew each other back in Calgary. Brian also plays on Bruce's Shame-Based Man.
- Any bumper music you hear during the KITH show is being played by Shadowy Men. One of the more memorable bumper snippets from the show (if you've heard it), is the rockin' version of Having an Average Weekend. /.../"
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Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet
