Intervju med hela truppen 2008

Här hittar ni en intervju med killarna innan 2008 års turné. Naturligtvis bjuder jag på ett utdrag:


"Where do they fall?

McCulloch: Mark has a wild point of view. Scott wants to know what his performance part could be to make it longer. Dave is skeptical until it really works. Kevin…he just laughs.
Mark McKinney: A couple function as comedy consciences—Kevin is one of those, so is Scott—who get lit up if there’s an internal truism to a sketch that needs to be respected. Dave is sharp with lines, jokes, dialogue. Bruce is good at almost everything, and he’s a work pig. I can be loopy, which is surprising because I come across as straight.… That sounded horrible. “McKinney describes himself as ‘loopy.’ ‘Boyish’ was also included in his rambling positive assessment of himself.”
McDonald: Individual talents get things started, but it’s the one big brain from Kids in the Hall that improves things.


Define that sixth element.

McKinney: Hmm. [Pause] Synerjule.
Thompson: It’s a dry orgasm—you can look each other in the face after. 
McCulloch: We have a saying in the group: We’re all really smart guys but the troupe is one dumb guy.


How’s the material different now?

Thompson: The show is quite filthy. We’ve always been pretty raunchy, but I was amazed by how sexually obsessed we still are.
Foley: The change is we used to look too young to play businessmen, and now we’re quite believable in those characters."



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