Intervju med Mark 2007

När jag surfade runt hittade jag en liten intervju med Mark i en gaytidning på nätet (den lilla bilden i artikeln ställer jag mig lite frågande till...). Ett utdrag:

"What has been the most difficult time in your career?

Probably the end of SNL because the show really didn't work for me; I was a new Dad. I'd come from Kids, where basically if I wrote a piece I really believed in, it would get done. I didn't really have that luxury at SNL, so it wasn't a good fit. I wasn't really sure what I was about when that ended. Interestingly, the way I found my way back was doing off-Broadway theater in New York. And it reminded me: oh yeah, this is the sort of thing I do. But there was a year or two there where I felt like I'd screwed up."

Han var även gästdomare under Toronto Urban Film Festival



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